ô (ʵ)
ۼ ǥ̻

 ȫ ѹ ̶ 9 پ ǰ ϴµ ѱ   ó λǰ з Ǿϴ.


  ϴ ϱ⸦ ܼ ȭǰų Ϳ ġ ƴ϶ ǥϴ ȯ̳ ǰ° ȫ̳ λ ȮϿ ε ޴ ȯ , κ, ˷ , Ʈ ȯ ִ ÷  λǰ ɼ  ܰ ÷ȴٴ Դϴ .  λ̳ ȫ ѱ̳ οԸ ´´ٴ ü Ѱ輺 غ ִ ٴ Դϴ. ̷ ɼ λǰ پ о߿ ɼ Ȯ ޹ħϴ ̹ ۵Ǿϴ.


λ ü saponin , PT, PD ΰ


 ֱ λ  λ ӿ ִ ũ , PT(panaxatriol)  PD(panaxadiol) λ Ư¡ ฮ ȿ мϴ 뼼Դϴ. ׷ ƯϰԵ λ ȭ λ PD/PT (1.5) 7 ̻ ٰ մϴ. Ӹ ƴ϶  λ£ ã ȫ̳ ̷ ϴ Rg3 Rh2 ginsenosides ٷ ȴٴ ӻ ִ ˴ϴ.


̹ ߱ Rg3 ׾ ǰ ߰ Rg3Է ǥ ȭ ǰ ǰ ǰ ֱ⵵ մϴ. ̷ ȭ λ Ź ޾ ѱ ̳ ü ׸ п ǰ ̷ ǰ  ̻ ϱ ߽ϴ.  


 PT =stimulant  , PD = suppressant


ù° ,λ̳ ȫ ׸ پ е , Ȯεǵ PT stimulant ,  PD suppressant Ϲȭ ų ֽϴ. ǥ PD Rg3 angiogenesis inhibitor ׾ ߵǾ ij λ ǥ Rb1 ۿ Ѵٰ ˷ ֽϴ. ݴ λ ǥ Rg1 PT ۿ glucocorticoid receptor ۿϿ angiogenesisŻ ۿ Ÿٰ մϴ. ڱ PD aglycon saponin Protopanaxadiol(ü ) PT 뼺 ϰ receptor ü Ͽ ̵ Ǵܵ˴ϴ. ׷ PT 迭 ǥ鿡 ۿϹǷ ȿ ۿ ۿ ַ Ÿٰ մϴ.


ǰ ߿  ̳ ȫ PT ǰ ֽϴ.   polysaccharide е ֵ ȿ ū Ѵٰ ˴ϴ.(Cold Fxó Ϻθ Ͽ saponin estrogen ۿ ۿ ƿ ǿ ̴ λ ٿ ɼ Ȱ ϴ Ѱ Դϴ.  ) 


λ̳ ȫ ԰ Ÿ Ÿ  ۿ ̳  Ҹ   ؼ Ȥ ʱ Ǿ Ÿ cytokine ȿ ϴٰ ߵ˴ϴ. ̴ PT迭 ǥ м stimulant ۿ ϴ.


ᱹ λ ߿ stimulant suppressant ϴ ϴ Ȯմϴ. ׸ Ȳ ȿ ũ ȴٰ ˴ϴ.


λ ȣ Ǵ ȿ ϴ ࿡

 model dependent ü

 Mode dependent  ü

 Material dependent ȫ

 Medium dependent  ŷ ϴ°

 Dose dependent  뷮 ȭ

Ư¡ Ƿ ؼ ؾ


ȭ â


  Ǵ ü Pyloysis ŻǾ PT PD ǰ , Ȱ  PD ˴ϴ.  ü ü ɼ ˴ϴ.PD ginsenosides еϴ λǰ Դϴ. ̷ ȭ   saponin ü saponin(compound K) ü sapogenin ϸ鼭 steroidsü · ü ϰ Ǿ ü ʿ信 ´ transcription ִ Ǵ ϴ. steroid ź ġ  ¿ ũ ؼ ٴĿ  ginsenoside Ȱ potential ޶ϴ

 steroids ۿ anabolic Ƿ PD ۿ ü ߴ Ű αŰ ȯ Ͽ ϴ ׸鿪 , ȣ , αŰ , ȿ ´ٰ ˴ϴ.




ѹ ̷ ؼ ,  pyloysis (ַ PT ׸ ) ȭŰ (PD ginsenosides) ȭ λ ü ȿ ü ε target organȭ ϴ Ŀٶ Ǿٰ ϴ. ̴ ۿ⸦ иϰ ϴ ߴٰ ϴ.


ѹ濡 ̳ Ȳ Ȥ ȫ ȿ ַ ؼǾ Ѵٴ  ̷ Ȯ ġѴ ֽϴ. 

п Ĺ δ , Ϻ Ѹ մϴ.   λѸ  Ͽ ȭ processing ٽ иǾ ִ ȵǴ ٷ λ̶ . ׸ ǥ μ Ȳ̳ ͵ ٸ Ǹ ʰ λ ü ϱ ̶ ˴ϴ. λ panax(cure all) ginseng Ҹ ֱ⵵ մϴ. λ ȿ  κп ϱ µ ( ߴ ȿ)̶ ذ ȵǾµ Ǿ Ÿ ȿ ٷ ǹ ݰ ˴ϴ. ε λ ȿ üϰ ־ .




ڱ steroid ִ λ saponin Ǹ鼭 ü sapogenin ü ɼ ̴ ü ٷ õ ȣ   ִ Ͱ ȿ ֽϴ. ƯⰡ پ ¶ Ư ۿ Ű ȣ buffer ϴ Ͱ ֱ.  ȣ ġϴ ǻ testosterone ȿ λ̳ ȫ ߳ ̻ ʹ ġϴ ƴ Դϴ.   Ӹ ƴ϶ ̳ ȣ ޴ Ե Ŀٶ Ȱ ֽϴ.

λǰ estrogen ۿ ۿ Ÿ ִٴ Ÿ ̶ ǰ  ¸ ¿ ġ ϴ ؾ Ѵٰ ˴ϴ. Ϲ ̳ ȭ ϻุε ̷ ̻ ü balance ִ  ,, ȿ λ ǰ ٰ ϰڽϴ.




׾ȿ : 缺 ȿ Rg3,Rg5,Rh2 PD ϴ ڱ ۿ ǥ ִ ̱⵵ մϴ. ׸

  ټ ӻ ̷ ʾ ̿ ׾ȿ ȿ ȫ ̿ پ ̷   ü  ȣ ƽ ġ ƽ Դϴ. ( ġ ߰)


ڸ λ̳ ȫ ۿ ַ stimulant Ÿµ  ( ü PT ginsenosides PD ȯŰ ɷ ִ suppressant ۿ뵵 Ÿ ) PD ٷ   sapogenin(aglycon saponin) · Ǿ  suppressant ۿ ٰ ϴ.

λ ǰ ȫ̳ £ Ȱ ginsenosides̸ ߿ PT ü stimulant, ѹ 纸ۿ ֵϰ ฮ ʱ鿪 upregulatingϸ Ű ڱϸ ۿ,ʽ縦 Ų ˴ϴ.  PD suppressant ѹ ۿ ַ ۿϸ ฮ ۿ PT ü ݴۿ Ѵٰ   ֽϴ,.


λ ginsenoside  Բ ?


ߵ ϴ ػ̷μ Ĺ λ Ĺ ٸ ݵ δ ڽ Ȱ Ȱ ϰ ϴ շ ,  ̳ ̴ , µ ϰ  stimulant suppressant saponin ź ȯ濡 Ϸ λ Ǹ ź ʾ ˴ϴ.

 ̷ ȣۿ Ѵٸ λ ȿϴ ָ Ѹ ϴ ( PD踦 Ͽ ϴ ) Ȱ뿡 ؼ   κ ֽϴ. PD ִ ɷ λ 翡 ginsenosides ϴ յ Ư¡ ֽϴ.



 ӻε ε Ƿο Ʈ, ھ̳ ߵ, ( innate immunity or adaptive immunity Ѵ) Ϲ Ÿ ̿ܿ ǰ ӻ ϴ ߿ ǹ̰ ִٰ մϴ.  

ü ٸ , ִ ϰ Ƿο ,پ Ҹ ,߳ ȣ ȣ , , Ҹ ȯ ü Ϸ Ǵ һ, ұ Ȥ   , Ϻ ˷ ,  Ϲ ,Ҽ,  ܰ , , ܻ ƴ stroke heart  attack, Ŀdz Ȥ ߵ ݴ , ׾ ġ ۿ ǴܵǸ case ġʿ ƽ ٴ ͵ з ȿ Ǵܵ˴ϴ.  ̷ λ ġ ȮǾ ü Ѱ踦 غϿٰ ֽϴ. ׷ ڿ ȹ ǰ ȸ ؾ Ѵٰ ϴ. ׷ Ǵٸ ұ̳ ۿ ʷ ִٴ Ϲ Դϴ.  ɸų   Ͻ ȭϰų ϴ ֽϴ.


ȹ, ȭ ɼ


̷ λ̳ ȫ   (ǰ ) Ѱ質 ü Ѱ(Ҿ̳ ο ʴ´ٴ Ѱ) غ ִ ȹϰ Ǿٴ ͵ ǹմϴ. ̴ ġ Ŀǰ Ű ġ鼭 roasting ް μ ε Ը ° Ǿ ó ְ ȣǰ Ǿ , ȿ λ깰 ݿ ȭ ޾ ׵ ü Ͽ ׵ Ը ҵ  λ ȫ Ǿ   κ ε ü Ͽ ȿ ˴ϴ.  иǸ鼭 ü ޾ ͵ λ Ư Ⱦϴ ε鿡 ٰ ִ ϰ ۿ ̶ Ǵܵ˴ϴ.  ( )

ۿ ε м ȣǰ Ŀǿ ۿ ϰ δ ߵ ִٴ ε鿡 µ Դϴ.

̸ йȣ

* ѱ 1000 Է° :
ҹ <html>
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ó </a></p>

Ʊ׶ ݺ http://okok.dkfc.me
Ʊ׶ Ѿ http://okok.dkfc.me
Ʊ׶ ౹ Ǹ http://ok.. | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-02-24 22:33:58
ƿ ־ | 211.241.xxx.xxx 2020-02-25 21:44:31
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̴. 50 ȯڰ ణ е 󱼷 Ƿ Դ. ȯڴ 5 ߱ , ƻ縮 ߱Ⱑ Ǿ ʾ ظü ֻ ؿԴ ȯڿ. Ʊ׶ ѹ Ẹ Ͽ ü˻, ɷ  ˻縦 ģ Ʊ׶ ó 1 ̾.

" ̽ϱ. ȿ ̴?"
"ȿ ... Ʊ׶ ¥ ٴµ, Ȥ ¥ . , ȿ ϴ."
"ۿ ̱?"
" Ӿ ϴ ϴ. ֻຸ ϱ ϴ.."
" ӻ .. | 218.36..xxx.xxx
2020-02-29 08:43:29
߱ġ 100% ȿ
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

WHO "ũ ڿ ⺻ ϴ ( ڿ ),
Ǵ 񴩡 ̿ ı ȿ ִ" ߴ.
"ũ ϱ ڿ 񴩡 ϰ ϶" ǰߴ.
ָ ܿ ö  Ƿ ũ ԰ , ,
ũ ö ڽ  °Բ η 󱼰 ũ ̿ ߴ ּȭ ߴ.
׸ "ũ ϰ ִ ũ , ũ ڿ 񴩡 " ǰߴ.
".. | 218.36..xxx.xxx
2020-03-01 18:43:01
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

̱ (CDC) Ÿ ٴϰų ۿ ũ ϴ
ũ (ȣ ȯ ) ۿ ´ٴ ü ٴ ȭ عٴڿ ִٰ ״ ߴ.
̱ Ѱϴ ⱸ 漾ʹ
ڷγ19 ϴ ũ ǰϰ ʴ.
躸DZⱸ(WHO) ũ 켱ؼ ǰ ʴ´.
ũ ħ ϴ ׼ (ħ) Ÿο
ؼ ̶ ν̴.
"츮 Ȳ ȣ Ǵ .. | 180.189.xxx.xxx
2020-03-08 20:11:56
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

̱ (CDC) Ÿ ٴϰų ۿ ũ ϴ
ũ (ȣ ȯ ) ۿ ´ٴ ü ٴ ȭ عٴڿ ִٰ ״ ߴ.
̱ Ѱϴ ⱸ 漾ʹ
ڷγ19 ϴ ũ ǰϰ ʴ.
躸DZⱸ(WHO) ũ 켱ؼ ǰ ʴ´.
ũ ħ ϴ ׼ (ħ) Ÿο
ؼ ̶ ν̴.
"츮 Ȳ ȣ Ǵ .. | 180.189.xxx.xxx
2020-03-09 01:39:22
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

̱ (CDC) Ÿ ٴϰų ۿ ũ ϴ
ũ (ȣ ȯ ) ۿ ´ٴ ü ٴ ȭ عٴڿ ִٰ ״ ߴ.
̱ Ѱϴ ⱸ 漾ʹ
ڷγ19 ϴ ũ ǰϰ ʴ.
躸DZⱸ(WHO) ũ 켱ؼ ǰ ʴ´.
ũ ħ ϴ ׼ (ħ) Ÿο
ؼ ̶ ν̴.
"츮 Ȳ ȣ Ǵ .. | 180.189.xxx.xxx
2020-03-09 01:39:22
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰдϽĸǸ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰƱ׶Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
ϰ ֹ Ҽִ Ƣ 1 ǸŻƮ
ϰ ֹ Ҽִ Ƣ 1 ǸŻƮ!!!
׳ฦ غϴ ť!!

ڽǸ http://okok.dkfc.me
Ƶ巹Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ƮǸ http://okok.dkfc.me
<p><a title="Ʊ׶ȿ" href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"></a> - Ʊ׶ȿ</p></div>
<p><a title="Ʈ" href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank">Ʈ</a> -Ʈ </p></div>
<p><a title="Ʊ׶Ǹ1" href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank">Ʊ׶Ǹ1</a> - Ʊ׶Ǹ1</p></div>
#õ.. | 119.112.xxx.xxx
2020-03-10 02:33:32
Ŵ뼺 ͳݿ ϴٰ...Ī Ұ ϰ ̰..www.MOKO77.com

̷..Ը ϴ Ӵϸ ֳ׿...װ͵ .ϴ ..

ϴ .. Ұ ϴ ʹ ƿ..

̳ ϴ . ̳׿..www.MOKO77.com

Ѵ޵Ǵ ̺Ʈ ׿. 3.4...www.MOKO77.com

żϰ ȮԴϴ ..ſ뵵 Ʈ ΰ ȮԴϴ ..

Ī ū ڰ ǰ ϴ.. ϵ Ƽ. www.MOKO77.com
̷ õ 帲ϴ.. ϰ ϼż ܺ..www.MOKO77.com

õ ϰ˴ϴ.. ڴ  ñ ..

ʿϽ õԴϴ..Ը ص 帲ϴ.

̶ ... ʹ ʹ ƿ.. www.MOKO77.com

ڰ ɼִ ֽϴ.. ...

100% ڷμ..Ѹ ڸ Ʈ ϴ..www.MOKO77... | 58.245..xxx.xxx
2020-03-10 15:38:18
ĺ biA - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ bi* - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ bi* - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ bi* - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ bi* - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
#ǰre* | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-11 13:49:17
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-11 15:14:58
ֽ ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ȭâ ģ | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-11 18:40:44
ֽ ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ǰ ĺҹ http://okok.dkfc.me
ȭâ ģ | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-11 21:02:56
ֽ -BƮ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
R- http://okok.dkfc.me
̱ǰõ | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-11 23:40:33
ָ븮 -BƮ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
R- http://okok.dkfc.me
̱ǰõ | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-12 12:36:36
-BƮ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
R- http://okok.dkfc.me
#ǰre* | 119.112.xxx.xxx
2020-03-14 07:50:49
Ȳ븮 -BƮ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
R- http://okok.dkfc.me
* ȭâ

#ǰre* | 218.36..xxx.xxx
2020-03-16 18:45:38
â ͵
http://okok.dkfc.me | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-17 20:17:26
ڻâ Ű/ĺ
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰǸ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰǸ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
</body> ϶ ǿ
η 뵿 ̰ Ǿ,
ΰ θ 뿹 ٰ Ѵ.
Ư ɰ ұ ʷ߰,
縦 ȭ ߴٰ Ѵ.
̷ ڴ ΰ ִ ִ

* ȭâ

| 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-18 19:48:41
ƻ </body>
ٷ Ͻð, ִ Ȱ ñ ٶϴ

-BƮ http://okok.dkfc.me
ĺ - ׶ http://okok.dkfc.me
R- http://okok.dkfc.me
* ȭâ

#ǰre* | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-03-20 23:52:10
oiqajika http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/ - Amoxicillin 500mg Capsules <a href="http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/">Amoxicillin Without Prescription</a> emd.hvuf.gbyp.co.kr.uwc.us http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/ | 134.249.xxx.xxx 2020-03-29 22:20:47
oxenaninel http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/ - Amoxicillin <a href="http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/">Amoxicillin 500 Mg</a> qvo.mple.gbyp.co.kr.cax.jq http://mewkid.net/when-is-xaxlop/ | 134.249.xxx.xxx 2020-03-29 22:50:50
ȳ ȳϼ ۰ ֽϴ. 亯Ź帳ϴ, | 180.189.xxx.xxx 2020-04-02 17:29:21
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red">
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

</body> Ϳ, Ѵ
꽺ڸƴ 2019 8 1 ѱ(ڸ ) ϴ ѱ Ʃ 1000 Ͽ Ʃ ҵ Ŀ Ʃ 100 Ͽϴ. 1 峭 䡯 о Ʃ ̸( 1367 /ҵ 47.6), ܿ (3/峭 ), ε (6/峭 ), ̾߱(8/), Ʃ(9/), (10/) 峭̳ , äε 10 ȿ ټ ̸ ÷Ƚϴ.
Ʊ׶Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me
þ˸Ǹ htt.. | 119.112.xxx.xxx
2020-04-08 14:48:47
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>

</body> Ϳ, Ѵ
꽺ڸƴ 2019 8 1 ѱ(ڸ ) ϴ ѱ Ʃ 1000 Ͽ Ʃ ҵ Ŀ Ʃ 100 Ͽϴ. 1 峭 䡯 о Ʃ ̸( 1367 /ҵ 47.6), ܿ (3/峭 ), ε (6/峭 ), ̾߱(8/), Ʃ(9/), (10/) 峭̳ , äε 10 ȿ ټ ̸ ÷Ƚϴ.
Ʊ׶Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me
þ˸Ǹ htt.. | 211.254.xxx.xxx
2020-04-09 19:42:16
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<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
<p><a href="http://okok.dkfc.me" target="_blank"> ǰþ˸Ǹ http://okok.dkfc.me</a></p>
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Brownsea is a peaceful place, a world away from the hustle and bustle of the mainland and, as home to the Baden-Powell Outdoor Centre, it still maintains a strong association with the Scouting movement. It is also notable as a nature reserve and, along with the Isle of Wight, is one of the few places in southern England where red squirrels can still be found in the wild. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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&#8220;To a certain extent [the study results are] intuitive because younger women don&#8217;t get screened,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Without screening, they&#8217;re just like the women in the 1960s who died without ever knowing they had breast cancer.&#8221; | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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Pastor Wojciech Lemanski stepped up to his small pulpit on Wednesday morning to hold what may be his last sermon at his church in the town of Jasienica near Warsaw. The slender cleric, with his close-cropped gray hair, has become a household name in Poland in recent weeks. Newspapers have run stories about him and he's been a topic of discussion on television in what has been dubbed "Pastor Lemanski vs. the Curia." The case shows that support for the church is even crumbling in devoutly Catholic Poland. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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McGrady played a total of 31 minutes in six games for the Spurs, scoring no points and pulling in eight rebounds. The previous season with Atlanta he averaged 16.1 minutes and 5.3 points; the year before that with Detroit, 23.4 minutes and eight points. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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RIO DE JANEIRO — People stop to pray at the St. Jude Thaddeus parish in this Brazilian city, asking the patron saint of lost causes for intervention. Father Valdir Lima is among those praying and hoping Pope Francis can turn the tide against the number of faithful who have been leaving the Church in the world's most populous Catholic country. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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