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Black Ginseng > Maintaining Homeostasis

Normalizing the immune system through fermented black ginseng and maintaining homeostasis

Because modern people live under stress in harmful living conditions, they suffer from various diseases caused by a decrease in the immune system and disturbances in the autonomic nervous system.
Fermented black ginseng normalizes the body's immune system and maintains homeostasis due to the bioactive action of the effective saponins produced during its manufacture, enhancing the body's ability to defend itself against and treat various diseases.
For example, when immunity is compromised, effective saponins work to increase the body's immunity and restore the normal immune system, but when immunity is increased, it helps the hyperactive immune system return to normal levels.
The effective saponins that exhibit this action have been studied to be much more diverse and abundantly contained in fermented black ginseng than ginseng and red ginseng.